Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tragedy Hits the people we call family..

Devastating. The absolute worst feeling in the world is receiving a phone call that can turn your world upside down. Your stomach drops and the lump in your throat swells as your eyes fill with a pool of tears and your speechless, like everything around you freezes and then denial hits. I was out Sat. night when a friend called me hysterical on the other end of the phone. Nothing but sobs and deep breaths before my knees started shaking when she told me someone we knew, someone we've been around for years, someone we just talked and hugged a few days ago died. It was all to familiar when I felt that same feeling a few years ago when my mom was the one who called about the very friend now on the phone with me. Friends from band, color guard, high school, a car crash, a death. It's weird to think we could be on top of the world one minute, and everything so perfect can turn disastrous! it's on the news, just keep her family in your prayers! Don't lose touch with the people close to you, you never know when they might be taken away.

"Friends are friends forever"..................Thanks to Heather and her amazing impact on all of our lives these last few years!!