Thursday, April 22, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

:::Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:::

HAHAHAaaaha. Lee n Corby purchased some women's nylons, painted them green, got some tank tops, n colorful bandana's and practiced performing ninja turtle skits that they were going to play on their coach as a joke!! pretty funny!!!! they're ridiculous! what an evening!

Spring Scrimage Day

Corby finished spring-ball and had their scrimage Sat April 10th. We met up after the game (since i missed it =( ) and headed to the park to take a walk and relax. The weather was SOOO nice. summer is on it's way for sure!! This is us bein so cool with individual pics haha

jus another day...headed to school. yeah summer's almost here!!

Fat Catz Bowling =)

Danica and I met up with Corby, Brian, Lee, Brandon and some new recruit for bowling! Bets were placed and I was bout to win before SOMEONE cheated. scared me on my last ball n i dropped...rolled a gutter. Ah nah, you know i wont be payin anyone anything. But I STILL want my gushers! bahahahahaha =) lots of fun. too bad corby n i were both broken with our sweet messed up hands. yeh yeh

Numba-- 1 --Night

my best friend. through thick n thin i know i can call her any time and she'll be there ready to listen to me blabber on about the smallest complaints in life. i trust her and know that no matter what our friendship can make it through anything--and it has!!! what would i do, and where would i be without numerous nights with ky!??? Thanks Skank you're the best, i owe you!

Colby! always there to keep us safe when we wander..

Booker wit dem beatz

Thursday, April 15, 2010

~~FeStiVaL of cOloRs~~

hecTOR, mE, phILLY

Hare Krishna Temple held their festival of colors. Everyone threw colored chalk that symbolized diversity and equality!!

Easter Egg Hunt in the Park

**Sisters n the little bugs all went to the park for an early easter egg hunt!! nothin better than family. sweetest little angels.**
it ended up being really really windy so we had a picnic inside later...

::: Trafalga :::


Corby n i went mini golfing....we go pretty much weekly. He believes he's Tiger Woods....
but he never =)
ok he's won every time..he might be as good as tiger..