Saturday, October 3, 2009

BYU vs. USU wit my boy Erik


mi familia

Caught in the act. This is Erik, CHEERING at a BYU GAME!!!! yep i have proof!

yes my hair is blonde now..quite a difference eh?

"Im on a Boat"

Victory Dance

of course..............

Erik and I went to the BYU game. ... obviously, like I would miss that! It was a bit brisk out but we managed with our ballin jackets, and his new sneaks ;) always an enjoyable time at the games. Even though the defense line this year needs to be replaced ugh. what a disgrace they've been. I won't lie, I cried when we played Florida!..but seriously that happened. Tavernacle post game. During game, can-DEY!!! "Do you know the difference between BYU duck goose?!" haha. chicken is great. spilled snow cones from fools behind are not! roasted almonds mmm* and singing Fresh Prince songs make us utterly awesome when driving behind slow people.