Friday, October 30, 2009

Strongest Contest

Keef Sportin the Canada Jersey!!


207 pushups in 30 min.....impressive eh?

i work sometimes.. haha

gregory! :)



please take note of the paper towel in between their hands....yep. no one will know a thing unless they were here that night at XanGo hahhahahaha

dear philly

hells yeah i can do them too!
aldrin joined in
life at xango....what more could you want! ;)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bebe Luv

We all wanted photo's holding precious Hunter! isn't he handsome!! just passing children around before skelting off to work....... Ali is a fantastic madre!

Hilarious Hospital!!


Me and Kev

in the hospital :(
Nel and I went up to go shopping and pranced around and had a blast. met up with Kevin for some food and fun. It's never ok to have Pocahontas's meat-bridge on display. pooping in sinks is NOT okay under any circumstances, especially in places where food is served. douche alert for any guy wearing a pink popped collar shirt with hair spiked 9 inches above his head must be from New Jersey and ill kick him if he ever moves my chair. pink panthers with muffin tops are not allowed in my presence from this day forth. and blind pimps, and chocolate with backpacks are simply awkward. Pretty much the most hysterical night of my life giggling away with kevin and potato skins and H2O. then in a random minute i started to walk to the ladies room to use the restroom and 15 minutes later my shaking, sweaty, white as a ghost, eyes rolled back in the head-body was found slammed on the ground in front of the bathroom. with a screech from some girl and swarms of people flooding my person trying to wake me up. ha it was quite eventful i thought....until Kevin himself pecked his fingers at 911 and the paramedics came and due to my awkward state (sober..they thought i was on drugs or alchy get REAL!, healthy, non-diabetic, and not impregnated) they wheeled me away in an ambulance to the ER for further testing.
I'll have you all know, (now that worry should've crossed your face) that my brain was exploding inside my skull, and i've never felt sicker in my life!!! A maniac drove the ambulance, and they didnt find my jokes very funny when i told them i wasn't going because i couldn't afford it. Unfortunately they would never allow dear kevin to drive me himself!!! The nurse couldn't find my veins, 2 phlebotomists couldn't locate them, even AFTER i offered them 10 bucks a piece if they could stab me on the first try. they resorted to calling me a mutant with stringy veins! i guess it's true..right? in the end a nurse found one tiny vein in my hand for the iv. and my battle wound is nothing more than a massive bruise up my forearm from multiple needles attempting to locate blood in my frozen body!!
All in all, the tests came out kosher and nothing wrong other than low blood pressure, and low white blood cell count. I simply rested my eyes and adorable kevin drove all the way home at 4:00 am after he so patiently waited in the emergency room for about 3 or 4 hours! Ahhhhh what an evening. mother wasn't pleased i didn't ring her in the event, because her overreaction to illness! she's now quite pleased im recovered and feeling well. yet still wants me to see a doctor for passing out for no reason, but reluctant i am, since health isn't a priority these days hahahha.

My Ladies

i love this girl a lot.

and i love her lots too....

haha we got a little camera happy..

TYLER! ludj him

Stopped to say hello to Jas and Michelle on my way home from Convention. It's been sooooooooo long since any of us had seen each other! ugh completely unacceptable!!! there are a few choice people missing from these pictures :( but it was still nice being with best friends! Michelle since 5th grade, and Jas since 7th. wow find out who your true friends are if it lasts that long yeah? and of course precious Tyler, my new friend. haha love him already! we're beef.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

XanGo Thrive 09' Convention!!!

dropping my bag off at the boys hotel ready to kick off convention.

Erik is my friend!

I love this picture. probably because britt fixed it at home and the colors are far better than mine. but it's fine. Britt, Greg face, Erik, Josh, and myself!

we're in the XanGo store....1st day...clean....quiet....distributor-less.

new HOLIDAY bottles! woot woot

and it begins...........

Joan Pretty
i love when important people who make millions come through my cashier and are from Canada! :)
Joan and Josh
Hard at work
natural happiness....for everyone else there's eleviv!

-Juice Bar-


The start of XanGo's 2009 Convention. Thrive!! everyone up bright and early, primped and prepped for the long day ahead of us. Eating breakfast and bouncing off the walls from Eleviv. Britt, Greg, and I just can't have enough of each other from our nightly shift, and we all worked thursday all day. bahaha. B"Oh my GOSH! you don't know what Mek's are???!!" as if it's a sin. . . nooo we shop at ross. daaaang girl you be jockin me for those mek's. Greg, Britt, and Becky posing away before we opened the doors and let the flood of distributors swarm the store. (chase was too cool to be in that picture, he believes since he's in will call now so much, he only takes photos instead of participates in the capturing of them). Joan Pretty came through immediately and Josh and I almost had her convinced to be our grandmother..she settled by giving us a bag of dipping pretzels instead. *sigh* she's splendid! men from Portugal would fancy to receive me at their parties and perched themselves at our U for nearly an hour! But it was still enjoyable. The juice bar was quite different this year, as there weren't any flexible girls dancing in drapped fabric high in the air. glimpse girls. product specialists. and the man in the spray painted orange suite who made 20k!! His hair was screaming to be on the blog so I couldn't deny him a photo. .....aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh convention time! :)