Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dance. Dance. Dance.

Hot. Brandy--me--Jenn! We maaaaaade it.

hmm, you think i could be the new poster child for this?? lol

Robb'ee :)

Me and E!

Tyray, my yummy sucker lol

Jenn miss and myself skipped to visit Allen B before heading on our journey out to Saratoga to collect my beautiful thang, Brandy herself!! :) went up to Salt lake for a dancing adventure. Ugh 4 inch heels are not the best idea when you're on your feet for 3 hours! Im happy my shins and knees are ripped open and have fallen completely off. loooookin all fine and dressed for our night we stumbled upon precious Esteban who we havent seen in ages! :) it was fabulous. swarms of people floated in. It was hella fun as we chatted with friends, ate some chocolate, and helped each other from insane creepers on the floor. E like the letter. Lollipops from the men's bathroom produced by Tyrays boy, and jello legs and aching feet. It was worth it though right?

"Thank you ladies, you made my night!!"